This is so beautiful and timely. These words are light and life. A subtle reminder of what is obtainable in God and his willingness to always help.

Thank you for penning this beautifully woven thoughts into writing. God bless you Dunni. You have a new subscriber

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Jul 24, 2022Liked by Dunnie

Wow . This is such a good and timely word. Just yesterday I was thinking of certain experiences and it came to mind that one has been through a depression-esque(if that exists lol) . This article perfectly explains what I have been going through as I couldn't categorically say it was depression but now I understand better ; Languishing certainly hits home. I am so grateful really for these beautiful verses you nicely put together. I have already started playing it in my text to audio reader to listen every now and again. Thanks you so much honestly can't appreciate you enough. God bless you 🙏

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Sep 28, 2022·edited Sep 28, 2022Liked by Dunnie

Thank you for sharing, Dunni.

I'm a few months late but this is still timely. It echoes the reflection of my days when they feel, every morning, like a hard choice between joy and despair. Had my cousin note it as a daily struggle too.

But I rest in the constant assurance of peace and joy in God's word, in a breath of prayer and by His Spirit within. Thank you for the verses, Phil. 4:4-7 and 2 Tim. 1:7 are daily mantras.

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Hey Dunni! Quite a while.

This is a succour-giving piece, highly needed, especially in times like this where mental health issues are becoming endemic. It will go a long way in bringing relief, encouragement and healing to those who are going through depression and/or languishing.

Beautifully written, as usual. God bless you.

Other scriptures that will help are Psalms 42:5 and Habakkuk 3:17-19.

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You always find the right words. I hope you know anytime you put out something, It's always a blessing .

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Dunni, thanks for sharing. Some of us like reading what you put out here, so keep it up.

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Ahahaaa so amazing ! Thank you for this resource

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Thank you for taking out time to pen down and share these scriptures.

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This is beautiful. Thank you Dunnie

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Thank you, Duni, for using your life to teach others to live, of course, with help of the Holy Spirit and the Word. This is very well written, as always. May the good Lord release all those languishing and living in depression in Jesus name, amen. Love you much.

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Thank you so much, Ma. Amen! Love you too ❤️

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